Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to avoid travelers diarrhea

Travelers diarrhea, is a very common illness, that affect 20-50% of international traveler, traveling in developing country like, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. It is usually cause by ingesting or drinking contaminated water or food. 80% of the infection, are cause by bacteria, and the most common one, is E.Coli

The syptoms happen suddenly, and consist of frequent watery stool. But can also be associated with, abdominal cramping, nausea, bloating, fever and malaise. The syptoms usually goes by itself in one or  two days. If it goes longer, you have to be carefull to drink enough fluid, to avoid dehydratation.

But there is some precaution you can take before and during your vacation.
  • Take probiotic, one week before, and during all your vacation.
  • Avoid eating food from street vendors.
  • Drink water bottle.
  • Wash your hand frequently.
  • Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat or seafood.
  • Avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables, unless you peel them.
Related article: Probiotic: How to avoid antibiotic side effect.
Related article: Advice for food safety

Probiotic: How to avoid antibiotic side effect

Sometime, you have no choice, and you have to take antibiotics for infection in your body. The antibiotic, will fight the bad bacteria, that cause the infection, but will also fight the good bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract. This is the reason why you get diarrhea after a prescription of antibiotic. If you have a weak patient, it can also cause  problem like C.Difficile infection, wich is widespread in hospital in Canada and the US

There was a study that was held in Canada, and was published in the Journal of Gastoenterelogy, that showed a decrease of diarrhea cause by antibiotic, when given the probiotic Bio-K+CL285. This product is available in capsule, or drink. Probiotic, contain beneficial bacteria, that are, an essential part of your immune and digestive sysytem.

So when you finish, taking antibiotic, start right away with probiotic. Bio-K, is a proven effective brand, but there is also,other brand available. You could also eat yogurt, that as lactobacillus bifidus, but it is not as effective. Taking probiotic, will replenish the good bacteria in your GI tract, boost your immune and digestive system, and help avoid post-antibiotic side effect.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ankle sprain first treatment

Ankle sprain is a common injury since the ankle is a very mobile joint. An ankle sprain is a stretching of the ankle ligament due to a sudden twisting of the ankle, and most often when the feet turn outward. The sprain often happen while playing sport, but it can also happen just walking regularly, or climbing stair. They are categorized in 3 grade, related with the damage of the ankle. Grade 1 is when the ligament is overstretched but not torn, and the ankle is stable. In grade 2, the ligament is partially torn, and in grade 3 the ligament is completely torn, and instable.

The symptoms of an ankle sprain, is swelling, bruising, stiff ankle joint, pain, unability to bear weight on the joint, and in grade 3 instable ankle. It is important to start rehabilitation of the ankle quickly since a non treated ankle is prone to re-injured, and you could have chronic ankle problem. The treatment depend on the severity of the sprain, going to just a little rest and exercise in grade 1, to wearing brace, in grade 2 and to wearing a cast or even a surgery in grade 3. In more severe sprain, it is important to consult a physician, and take an x-ray, to rule-out fracture.

For treatment, remember the word RICE

R: Rest. Avoid walking on the ankle
I: Ice. 10-15 min, every hour, placing the ice in a wet towel.
C: Compression. In an elastic bandage.
E: Elevation. Elevate the ankle above the level of your heart.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Interval training to get fit fast

Interval training can be used in any training you do to increase your level of fitness, increase your metabolism and burn more fat. Interval training is increasing the intensity of your exercise with quick burst of exercise, followed with a recovery period. Everybody can do it, and the benifit are great.

There is 4 ways to affect your interval training. In that example sprint is when you go faster and the recovery period is the less intense part.
  1. Intesity of sprint
  2. Duration  of sprint
  3. Intensity of recovery
  4. Duration of recovery
Depending on what type of exercise you practice, there is different way you will do your interval training. A sprinter will do short sprint to increase his anaerobic system. The middle distance runner and the soccer or tennis player for example will have a less intense sprint but longer than the sprinter, to develop both his aerobic and anaerobic system. The marathoner, will have the longest sprint but the less intense. And if you are really out of shape, it may mean, if you walk, just to walk faster, but it will help you produce more fat burning enzyme. The interval training should not be used more than once or twice a week, because your body will get use to it and you will not get the benefit from it, the rest of the week you train regularly.

Here is a table of the different type of interval training, from the book Smart Exercise from Covert Bailey.

Sprint training: Intensity of sprint: High 95-100% of maximum heart rate
                      Duration of sprint: 10-20 sec.
                      Intensity of recovery: Rest recovery
                      Duration of recovery: 3 time as long as sprint
                      Sets/Repetitions: 5 sets/10 reps each set

Middle distance/: Intensity of sprint: Moderately high 85-90% of maximum heart rate
Stop and go:       Duration of sprint: 1-2 min.
                          Intensity of recovery: Work recovery
                          Duration of recovery: 2 time as long as sprint
                          Sets/Repetitions: 2-4 sets/ 4 reps each set

Long distance: Intensity of sprint: Moderate 80-85% of maximum heart rate
                       Duration of sprint: 3-5 min.
                       Intensity of recovery: Rest recovery
                       Duration of recovery: 1/2 as long as sprint
                       Sets/Repetitions: 1 sets/3 reps

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Strong back, and good posture with core muscle exercise

The core muscle, are the muscle that stabilize your posture. It include the abdominals muscles, the back muscle, and the pelvis muscle (butt). It is important to keep them very strong, because weak core muscle, will cause, an imbalance when you move, wich will eventually cause, low back, pelvis, knee or hip problem. We have to do specific exercise in order to reenforce them.

Walking is a good general exercise for core strenghtening. But what I usually recommend to strenghtened those muscles is the stability ball, also known as the exercise ball or the swiss ball. One easy exercise you can do, is to just sit on it, watch tv, work, while sitting on it. Start with 15-30 min. and increase your time as you feel more confortable on the ball. Just sitting on the ball require you to keep your balance, and eventough you may not feel it, your muscle are working. There is many other exercises you can do on the ball. The next 2 videos shows you more exercise. There is also many books on the subject. The 4 point exercise, is a very good exercise to perform ( the first video ). Just remember to start slowly, and to contract the transverse, which are the abdominal  muscle located at the pelvis, and don't forget to breath.

Related aticles: How to prevent low back pain

How to manage stress for student?

I remember when I was in college, my friends were reacting to stress on different ways. There was one who literally was sick before every exam, another who seem to forget everything that he learn, and other like myself who handle it pretty well.

In school, there is many stress factor that the student has to face everyday. They have to face both, the transition phase of there life and  the load work of term paper and exam. There is some habits and exercises, that student can learn and apply, to help them cope with the stressfull student life.
  • Study habits and organization skills: The student need to be strctured, having an agenda, and prioritize, what is important first, learning to say no, to certain activity less important. Being well prepared for his test. Not waiting at the last minute will decrease is stress.
  • Being well rested, especially before an exam. Drinking coffee all night, preparing for the morning test will not help.
  • Eliminate unnecessary stress, for example bad relationship, job...
  • Have a support system.
  • Eat well.
  • Do exercise.
  • Laugh
  • Listen to music that relax you.
  • Take a hot bath.
  • Do meditation and breathing exercise. When you start feeling the stress, be aware of how your breathing, and try to take deep breath, it should calm you. At home, meditate, either in silence or with a CD, with guided meditation.
  • Hypnosis.
  • Seek outside help, if you feel overwhelmed.
But most important, enjoy yourself. College year should be a great time of your life. Simple habits can help you get the most of these year, and to succed well in school.

Article related: Eat, pray, love and meditation
Article realted: Laughing to health

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Skin cancer risk factor and how to avoid it

According to the National Institute of Cancer, 1 000 000 new cases will be diagnosed in 2010, and less than 1000 will die from it. There is  risk factor associated with skin cancer that you should know about it.

  1. Fair skin
  2. A history of sunburn
  3. Too much sun exposure
  4. People who have many moles
  5. Sunny or high altitude climate
  6. Personal history of skin cancer
  7. Family history of skin cancer
  8. Weakened immune system
  9. Exposition to certain substances
  10. Increasing age

There is simple ways to decrease the risk of developing skin cancer

  1. Wear sunscreen year long
  2. Avoid getting sunburn
  3. Avoid the sun in the middle of the day
  4. Wear protective clothing
  5. Avoid tanning bed
  6. Check you skin regularly
  7. Eat food that contain anti-oxidant

Article related with this post: Good food for good skin

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cow's-milk free diet for treatment of childhood constipation

According to a study,  that was publish in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology Nutrition, in august 2010, cow's-milk free diet could be an option treatment in childhood chronic constipation.

In that study, they found out that cow's-milk consumption was associated with constipation for more than 1/3 of the pediatric patients, and that elimating cow's-milk from the diet reduced the incidence of constipation by 39%.

So cutting, cow's-milk from the child diet, and replacing it with rice milk for example, could be a natural and easy treatment, for chronic constipation in children.

Monday, September 6, 2010

How to prevent low back pain

Low back pain is a common complaint, and a very painfull condition. Most of the low back injury occurs with faulty movements and bad habits. It is important to learn, how to use your low back properly, and to learn proper posture, when sitting, bending, lifting, pulling, etc. I will give you, a few example advice, but once you understand how the low back work, you will know what to avoid.
  • When lifting, keep the weight close to your body
  • When lifting, bend your knee, don't keep your leg straight
  • When lifting, don't rotate and overextend
  • Avoid straining
  • If you sneeze, bend your back slightly
  • Don't miscalculate the weight your lifting
  • Avoid leaning forward for a prolonged period
  • Avoid standing still or sitting for long period of time
  • Don't sleep on your belly
  • When standing still, place one of your foot on a small stool
  • When sitting, your feet should be firmly on the ground
  • When sittng, your knee should be slightly higher than your hip
Measuring the weight load on the disk, is a good way to know, if a movment is dangerous for your low back . Once you understand how the weight is put on the low back, it is easy to apply it to every movement, in your everyday life.

Load measurements in the L3 disk of a 70 kg man:

Lying on your back: 30 kg
Standing on your feet: 70 kg
Walking: 85 kg
Twisting: 90 kg
Bending sideways: 95 kg
Sitting without support: 100 kg
Coughing: 110 kg
Jumping: 110 kg
Straining: 120 kg
Laughing: 120 kg
Bending forward 20 degrees: 120 kg
Lying on your belly and hyperextended: 150 kg
Sit-up exercise with knee extended: 175 kg
Bending forward at 20 degrees with a 10 kg weight: 185 kg
Lifting 20 kg with back straight and knees bent: 210 kg
Lifting 20 kg with back bent but knees staight: 340 kg

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good food for good skin

If you want a beautiful, and healthy skin, there is certain food that are better for you, that will clear your skin and, slow the aging process of the skin.
  • Tomatoes: The red colours of the tomato, is produce , by a phytochemical called lycopene. Lycopene  is known to reduce the hormone that caused acne and it also defend the skin against de UV rays.
  • Green tea: Green tea has a substance called catechin, that is anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant. Studies showed, that drinking green tea, decrease the aging process of the skin, and help avoid skin cancer.
  • Berries: Especially the darker one like cherry and blueberry. Those fruits are full of anti-oxidant that, remove free radical produce by the exposure to the sun.
  • Fish/seafood: The omega-3 fatty acid found in the fish, but also in walnut and flax seed, help moisturize the skin, and decrease the wrinkling process.
  • Brown rice:  This rice has a lipid molecule called ceramid. Ceramid is important to hold hydratation of the skin.
  • Water: A well hydrated decrease the aging process.
  • Dark leafy green: Like kale and spinach, has vitamin A that help clear acne and help in skin repair.